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Which breath pattern is most relaxing for you: box breathing, breath holding, sighing, or meditative breath work?

Recent research has demonstrated that the brain, your brain, can control its excitability. Yes, the brain can regulate its state of mind. Better breathing may improve mental health, and cognitive and physical performance through processing what we sense and perceive, and how we choose to act (1).

Breathing through the nose could influence cognitive tasks related to learning and memory. (2) Finding the right pattern of breathing can even improve mood! and respiratory physiology, perhaps even more than box breathing, hyperventilation, and mindfulness meditation. (3)

To learn more about breath and breathing, you can download the free Breathing Techniques for a Better Brain.

Want to explore how to improve your breathing for a better brain? Schedule a 30-minute online breath coaching session HERE.

  1. Fincham, G.W., Strauss, C., Montero-Marin, J. et al. Effect of breathwork on stress and mental health: A meta-analysis of randomised-controlled trials. Sci Rep 13, 432 (2023).
  2. Ashhad, S., Kam K., Del Negro, C. A., Feldman, J. et al Breathing Rhythm and Pattern and Their Influence on Emotion. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Volume 45, (2022)
  3. Balban, M. Y., Neri, E., Kogon, M. M., Weed, L., Nouriani, B., Jo, B., Holl, G., Zeitzer, J., Spiegel, D., Huberman, A. D., et al. Brief structured respiration practices enhance mood and reduce physiological arousal Cell Rep Med, 4(1):100895 (2023)