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  • Brain Fog
  • Brain Injury
  • Panic Attacks
  • Peak Performance
  • Sensory Overwhelm
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Executive Function
  • Learning Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Memory
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • Tinnitus
  • Worry

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Optimal attention and focus can improve school, work & life performance and satisfaction.  While some people think multi-tasking is an asset, the inability to settle the mind and attend appropriately can disturb arousal levels—leading to anxiety.  Trouble placing or holding attention can lead to gaps in awareness, understanding or learning…like trying to put together a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle, and not knowing where to begin.


When the brain can’t seem to let go of thinking or emotions, worry, over-thinking, and sometimes, withdrawal takes over as a way to deal with the excessive processing.  Bringing balance and calm to the brain is a key goal in supporting a healthy & happy mind.


It can be painful to live with anger inside ourselves, or with another person who frequently expresses anger, irritation or upset at minor circumstances.  It can be helpful to understand how brain wave patterns contribute to the expression of emotional or under-ground thinking and to learn ways to address the foggy feelings of anger.  

Brain Fog

When the brain doesn’t work like it used to, we don’t feel like ourselves; we can lose steam and motivation.  A foggy brain can arise from factors such as fatigue, brain injury, excessive stress, hormonal or metabolic imbalance, a lack of sleep.  Bringing mind and body back into balance goes hand-in-hand with restoring brain power and optimal health.


Sometimes the sense of withdrawal, sometimes fuzzy brain, lack of motivation,

Brain Injury

86 billion neurons in the brain with an estimated xxx quadrillion connections—more than the stars in our galaxy!  Yet, when  necessary connections are disrupted, the brain notices.  A simple rear-end accident, even without direct head impact, can “shake-up” the brain enough to shear axons that connect neuron group-to-neuron group.   Dr Jonathan Walker, MD (credentials) stated that most of the symptoms of brain injury that persist beyond 1 year, may be due to diffuse axonal injury.  Neurofeedback may improve blood flow and/or activation of neural tissue at the site of training or beyond…it’s like rehab for a weak, yet under-functioning broken leg.

Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline may begin 20-years before the first signs of memory loss or impairment.  At Better Brain Balance, . Per Dr. Michael Merzenich —CD is loss of …etc from the article found tues 2/16…..finish this. can be one of the first signs of aging. 

Executive Function

Getting things done, making a plan, working the plan, expressing thoughts and feelings, remembering and learning are capabilities located within the Frontal cortex. Tune-up this area to improve self-regulation.

Learning Issues

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A brain that can’t relax when it’s time to sleep; a brain that overworks all night long and wakes you up to let you know; or a brain that is so “sleepy” and out-of-it during the day that nighttime with extra time to whip up inner patterns looks like a party. These are a few of the problems with a brain that doesn’t sleep.


While fatigue is sometimes thought to arise from metabolic causes such as mitochondrial dysfunction, hormonal issues, an overactive immune system, or biotoxin infection from lyme, mold or virus, heavy metal toxicity, cardiovascular issues, lack of exercise, poor oxygenation or lack of sleep, this condition may improve with brain and biofeedback training to support rest and relaxation, executive function and sleep.


Ability to recall a bit of information, perception, event or experience to which one has been exposed, as needed—how does the brain accomplish this?  Working memory, short-term memory, declarative, sequential, procedural, visual, verbal and long-term memory all require a means of attending to the info, coding it, adding it to storage, and having a means to retrieve the “thing”.  Amazing!

Panic Attacks

Peak Performance

Working, playing, and practicing at your best requires optimal brain wave patterns and the ability to engage the brain and body appropriately to the situation. More than a tune-up. Clear obstacles and old patterns to optimize outcomes in work, sports, and education.

Sensory Overwhelm

The ability to handle incoming sensation and perception is important to well-being, learning, relationship, performance, creativity, sleep, and more. Brain training and biofeedback may help to calm an over-aroused mind and body.



Can’t stop yourself from checking that ___ again?  Need to wash your hands exactly 3 times after each time touching that doorknob? Need things to be just so, and notice when they aren’t?  Compulsive disorders result from the brain “noticing” too much.  Neurofeedback has shown to have a positive effect when combined with behavioral training.


A mind that is over-engaged with thinking and processing emotions can push away the very solace and affirmation it seeks. What if you didn’t have to continue circling around the problem and could “let-go” instead, relaxing the mind and becoming present to what is right here, right now?